Limiting Beliefs....are they holding you back?

Do you ever say to yourself:

“ I’m not experienced enough to get that promotion”

“I can’t let people know that I’m struggling with this as they will see me as incapable and not up to the job”

“ I would like to take on that assignment but I’m worried that I might fail”

These negative, fearful thoughts are not uncommon and come from limiting beliefs, embedded in our mind. They have been built up throughout our lives and are determined by many factors including experiences of the past and what people said we could or couldn’t do. 

By accepting a limiting belief, it will become your reality, so once you hear the negative critic in your head, call it out, and ask yourself something which may question your limiting belief and help move you towards your solution as opposed to focusing on the problem.

Good questions to ask yourself include:

“Do I really know this to be the case or am I assuming it?”

“If my friend the same problem what would I advise them to do?”

“How else could I look at this?”

“What could be a more helpful, empowering belief?”

By starting to ask yourself different questions when encountering limiting beliefs, you will change your reality and move it more towards a future that you really want.